About us
Manav Coin MNC
Manav Coin is a decentralized blockchain platform that allows users to create and run applications without a middleman.
It's a peer-to-peer network that uses a public digital ledger and a cryptocurrency called Manav Coin MNC to securely execute and verify application code,
also known as smart contracts.
Manav Coin is run by many people all over the world, rather than being controlled by one person or company.
Manav Coin is the native cryptocurrency of Manav Coin Smart Chain, and is used to pay for processing transactions and as a reward for miners.
A block is a batch of new transactions that are processed by the network every 3 seconds. Each block contains a cryptographic hash that identifies the series of blocks that
must precede it.
Validators create new blocks and attest that the information is valid. Dishonest validators are punished by having their staked MNC burned and removed from the network.