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Manav coin is a decentralized crypto currency that was created by Bits Foundation in 2025. MNC powers the Bits Foundation ecosystem and is the native coin of the Manav Coin smart blockchain. Each participant has his own real coin and is responsible for any profits and losses.

Live Manav Coin Smart Chain Blok Explorer


Ticker : MNC

Maximum Supply Of Coin : 21M

Coin Function Utility : Use Details for MetaMask/Trust DAPP

Network Name:- Manav Coin MNC

RPC/Node URL: https://rpc.mncscan.com

RPC Name: Manav Coin MNC

Chain ID:- 7890

Symbol:- MNC

Block Explorer:- https://mncscan.com

Use Cases

Pay exchange fees, withdraw fees, listing etc. Utility Crypto Exchange https://bitscrypto.in

Stake MNC, Lending, Invest through minemnc.com etc.

Integrated into payment, travel, entertainment, gaming, financial and educational services.

Donate on Bitscrypto foundation charity.

About us

Manav Coin MNC

Manav Coin is a decentralized blockchain platform that allows users to create and run applications without a middleman. It's a peer-to-peer network that uses a public digital ledger and a cryptocurrency called Manav Coin MNC to securely execute and verify application code, also known as smart contracts.


Manav Coin is run by many people all over the world, rather than being controlled by one person or company.

Manav Coin is the native cryptocurrency of Manav Coin Smart Chain, and is used to pay for processing transactions and as a reward for miners.

A block is a batch of new transactions that are processed by the network every 3 seconds. Each block contains a cryptographic hash that identifies the series of blocks that must precede it.

Validators create new blocks and attest that the information is valid. Dishonest validators are punished by having their staked MNC burned and removed from the network.

Why Choose Our Coin?


Mobie Payment

In August 2018, Bits foundation launched the Manav Coin Smart Chain (MNCSC), MNC was originally issued as a mineable blockchain, running on the Manav Coin Smart Chain, with a total supply of 21 million coins.

Investment Projects

5.4 million MNCs were offered in the ICO, but the current total supply is lower due to periodic burning events. Their repurchase aim (buy-backs) is to destroy almost 50% of these issued coins.

Protect the identity

Burning" a cryptocurrency refers to the act of sending a token to an inaccessible address.The act of burning effectively removes tokens from the available supply, which decreases the number in circulation.

Security your money

Burning is used to increase coin market value, and in others, it is used to confirm a miner's commitment to the network and grant them the right to mine a block.


Join the industry leaders to discuss where the markets are heading. We accept token payments.

Trading: The MNC coin can be bought, sold or held through trading platforms, depending on the restrictions set by the exchange.

Transaction Fees on the Bitscrypto: The Bitscrypto exchange permits users to pay for the transaction fees in MNC coins. These discounts act as incentive and means to save on trading or transactional fees.

Credit card Payment: thought limited use, but the MNC Coins can be used as a form of payment for Credit card bills etc.

Booking Travel Arrangements: On selected sites, the MNC Coins can be used to book for hotels and flights on different sites.

Investment: Several platforms allow investors to invest in stocks, and other assets using the MNC Coins .

Token Creation: Any one can use to create own real token on Manav Coin Smart Chain.

Loan and Transfers: The Bitscrypto exchange, allow users to borrow other crypto's like BTC, ETH, Ripple, Tron's by keeping MNC as collateral for loans.

Exposure to Crypto Derivatives: The Bitscrypto platform permits crypto currencies as deposit funds for future contracts allowing transactional fee to be deducted in MNC coins.

Charity: The Bitscrypto Foundation engages in several charity campaigns to help the ‘bottom billions’ through its blockchain-enabled philanthropy. You can donate MNC coins to needy people like food items, clothes, marriage etc. As a medium of donation, it accepts MNC coins and other.

Anyone can use Manav Coin MNC —it's designed to be scalable, programmable, secure, and decentralized—to create any secured digital technology.

Token Allocation & Benefits

As a utility Coins of Bitscrypto, MNC acts a fuel for the platform’s ecosystem. It offers many functions and benefits to its holders. Some of the benefits and specific functions are given below:

MNC Price –The platform is the number one exchange for crypto trading volume and with the consistent ‘Coin burning’ exercise, it creates a reduction in coin-supply and with the demand on the rise, the holders of MNC benefit from the price increase.

Flexible/Locked Savings –By subscribing the coin to a flexible or locked plan the owner is able to earn interest on its assets.

Bitscrypto Launch pad –This platform aims to work as ‘Crypto crowd funding’ facilitating, helping and advising project teams in launching their crypto projects and raise capital. Similar to angle-investors, it gives the MNC holders opportunity to invest early on in potential projects and its subsequent coins; benefiting both parties by providing exposure, liquidity and returns.


The use of cryptocurrencies has become more widespread, The origin platform idea.
Development of the concept and business plan.

2022 Q1
  • Concept Generation

  • Team Assemble

2022 Q2
  • Proving the concept can work

  • Strategic Plan

  • White paper conpletion

2022 Q3
  • Platform design and technical de monstration

  • Building the MVP

2023 Q1
  • Public financing & Seed funding raised

2023 Q2
App Beta Test
  • Private closed beta

  • Open beta launched to public and improvement the app

2023 Q3
Token Sale
  • ICO Press Tour

  • Open global sales of ICOblock token

2023 Q4
Alpha Test
  • In-house testing of functional

  • Prototype published and linked to Ethereum blockchain with real-time scanning

ICO Token Details

Join the industry leaders to discuss where the markets are heading. We accept token payments.

  • Coin Name

    Manav Coin (MNC Coin)

  • Start

    Aug 8, 2021 (9:00AM GMT)

  • End

    Feb 10, 2030 (9:00AM GMT)

  • Number of Coins for Sale

    21000000.000 Coins

  • Tokens exchange rate

    1 ETH = 650 ICC, 1 BTC = 1940 ICC

  • Acceptable curencies



Locate Us

Have any Question?

MNC is part of the Bitscrypto exchange and is also used in the Manav Coins smart chain. The MNC Coin offers multiple use cases
such as transaction fees, means of payment, and more. Thus, the MNC utility does not violate any law. .

Transaction Fees on the Bitscrypto?

The Bitscrypto exchange permits users to pay for the transaction fees in MNC coins. These discounts act as incentive and means to save on trading or transactional fees.

Can we use Booking Travel Arrangements?

On selected sites, the MNC Coins can be used to book for hotels and flights on different sites.

Can we Exposure to Crypto Derivatives?

The Bitscrypto platform permits crypto currencies as deposit funds for future contracts allowing transactional fee to be deducted in MNC coins.

Anyone can use Manav Coin MNC?

It's designed to be scalable, programmable, secure, and decentralized—to create any secured digital technology.


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